Dota Slots

Items are in-game equipment that provide heroes with bonus attributes and special abilities. They can be purchased from several shops on the game map. Lower tier items are combined into higher tier items, usually with the help of a recipe. Heroes have six item slots in their inventory, three in their backpack, and six more in their stash. Dota is deep, and constantly evolving, but it's never too late to join. Learn the ropes playing co-op vs. Sharpen your skills in the hero demo mode. Jump into the behavior- and skill-based matchmaking system that ensures you'll be matched with the right players each game. Play for Free on.

This article was written in 2012 and is, at this point, very outdated. We have produced another article updated for use in 2019. You can find that here: The Dota 2 1-to-5 system, an introduction to farm priority

Dota 2 Slots


Data Slot

I apologize in advance for terrible formatting.
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Obviously this is not the only way to play DotA, and should not be taken as such. This is an overview of a popular team composition. Many heroes can be played in many roles, and item builds are just as diverse

Previously a Chinese system, the 1-to-5 system is a general model of how a DotA team is structured. The structure itself is pretty simple, the lower the number, the higher priority they have on farming gold and experience. 1 being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest.
Where it gets interesting, is how do you know which position a hero should play, and how to play that position effectively. This post won’t talk about how to lane your composition correctly, I might do a post about that some other time.
A hero in the 1 position means that they have the highest priority for levels and gold on your team. This is your ‘hard carry’. Heroes that fall into this category are the most item and level dependent on your team. They deal a ton of damage later in the game, and generally build towards damage and survivability.
Common Heroes
Common Major Items
The 2 position means that they have the second most need for gold and levels. The reasons can vary, but in general they should be farming any lane that isn’t occupied by your 1. The 2 generally builds toward initiation and survivability items, though some heroes benefit from damage items as well
Common Heroes

Dita Slots

Common Major Items
The third most farm dependent on your team, generally builds toward team fight/support items such as Pipe/Drum or initiation items. 3 is generally item independent for most damage.
Common Heroes
Dota SlotsCommon Major Items
As secondary support on the team, the 4 will build towards the cheaper team fight items like Drum/Mek. The 4 helps on pure support items such as wards, smoke, dust when the 5 cannot afford it.
Common Heroes
Common Major Items
The 5 mainly uses money on pure support items such as wards, smoke, dust, and sometimes regen and teleports for the 1-2 heroes. It is not uncommon to see a 5 hero purchase nothing more than a boots and a wand for themselves the entire game.

Dota Slots Games

Common Heroes
Common Major Items
EDIT: This is just an overview, not intended as a thorough guide. Most heroes can be played in multiple positions. Position does not always correspond 1:1 with role. The 1-to-5 is the priority on gold and experience, which can shift during the game. Once your Sand King or Tidehunter hits level 6, and/or gets blink, their priority drops significantly. This is often seen with running AA mid (not too common anymore). Once AA hits 6, he will rotate out of mid, and another hero will take the solo gold/experience.

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